Sunday, August 29, 2010

The last semester... what?

When i first saw this task i thought something like "man, that`s easy!" "i can complete this in 5 mins"... However, the time that the single excercise of looking back in time has taken away from my life made me realize that it wasn`t easy at all. The conclusion i've gotten after several minutes is that  i mostly feel like nothing relevant happened last semester. It just passed by... and left nothing behind. For example, i can barely remember the things i "learned" in my classes, or the carretes i went to... That can`t be good.

If you ask me to say in a single phrase what i think about the last semester i would just say: Boring as hell!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    What you wrote it`s so familiar to me. There are semesters that are like nothing, I have lived some, so I agree with you. The good thing is that we have all a year, so this second semester could be very very fun!!! It`s very common that the first semester it`s so bored, but it`s common too that second one is very funny =D Think about the parties that are coming: september 18, the psychologyst day, and more...

