Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to spend 10 million dollars

Before i spend anything  i would make sure that my family have all the posible needs covered, like the  studies of all my brothers and my sister, and invest some money on the family business to keep it going well.

That being made, the first impulsive thing i would do without doubt is to buy myself a nice super-car. If i have the luck to run into someone that's willing to sell me a Ferrari Enzo i would inmediatly spend my first million (of dollars) on that toy. There are only 400 Enzos worldwide, so it is kind of an invesment...(yeah sure!)

To get this set of wheels i would probably have to travel a lot around europe, so it wouldn't be unpleasant to freeze my studies and spend the whole year driving this beaty around the continent with my girlfriend and best friends.

After that i would probably buy a house on the country i liked the most after the travel, and leave the car there to do more trips, then i would really like to visit Australia, Thailand, Japan, India and the United Arab Emirates.

But not everything is about aesthetic pleasures and travelling, so after the money-spending spree i'd like to get serious and put my hands into social business. I've always belived that giving money to charity isn't the best way to give something to the world, because in this world money runs out quite easily, and i also believe that using the tools of capitalism is quite better and more useful than fighting directly against it, so my idea is to fund some medium and big size companies around Chile with the purpose of using their entire profit on education and social health, inyecting a continous flow of resources, and hopefully giving the model to other rich people to do something for their countries. This companies would also being runned by their workers, with a full-transparency policy and of course with decent good salaries.

Despite of all the crazy things i've said here, i think that i really don`t deserve to win 10 million dollars for my own happiness, i mean more than a lot of people that really need that money to have some life quality or even to just survive. Spending money on trips and toys it's the dream of any young man or woman, but there are things that are way more relevant than the caprices of an adolescent.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let's think green for a minute!

Learning how to take care of the environment is a task that probably will take a lot of time here in Chile. It’s no secret that most people here don’t give a … about it, and how could they, if there’s no propaganda, no media interest or commitment, or places designed for recycling proposes??…How can we start this learning process??
To be honest, I’m not a very green person. I drive a car daily, I don’t make any classification of my garbage and I don’t recycle anything at all. And I can say from the “lazy Chilean” point of view that recycling on this country it’s really hard for the common people. You have a garbage removal system that doesn’t give you any choice but to throw it all on the truck, recycling centers that are almost unknown, there aren’t any special dumpsters like in others countries where you can separate paper, plastic, glass and stuff, there aren’t many bicycle roads and the ones that we have are wrong madden, etc… So it’s not surprising that most people don’t do anything for the environment. We clearly need to reform this environment-indifferent way of life that we have chosen by a new state policy. Money must be invested before it’s too late!

Of course, changing the way that people threat their garbage or how they transport themselves is not enough to deal with this problem, because environmental damage is mostly made by industry. For example, I worked an entire month 2 years ago recycling on a medium size company, and I can tell you one thing about my experience: recycling makes a LOT of money. It’s the best way to get rid of the trash, because you can make profit instead of hiring a special cleaning service, and also it's environment friendly. At that time I calculated that I made like 5 times my salary for the company by gathering and selling different kinds of material… You just need to know where to sell the stuff! What better incentive can a company have to start changing their policies? GLOBAL WARMING?


Thursday, October 14, 2010

The new and wealthy life of the 33

An historical event has happened here in Chile. There has never been in any time or place a rescue mission with the proportions of the one that we witnessed yesterday, when 33 miners were rescued from 700 meters under the ground. But now that the miners are out and safe... What does the future keep for this 33 men?

From the minute when the first signs of life form this men appeared, there has been a huge publicity campaign around them, starting with the goberment, that considering the little time it has been running in La Moneda, it has gotten a lot of approval from the people with their flawless execution of the rescue mission, making people forget about other relevant politycal issues. Also, the main television networks are making tons of money from this event... Just look at this banner from Canal 13 network!

Taking account of the huge effects of this event on the public oppinion, i think that it is very probable that this low-salary miners get fulfilled of job offers, publicity spots, travelling gifts, etc, with the only purpouse of getting some attention from the masses. Maybe i`ll sound indifferent with the life stories of the miners or  "the miracle" that this event has been transformed to by the press, but that`s the truth. I even think that probably in one month or two some miner will end up having an affair with a model, like soccer players do often here in Chile...

The miners will be wealthy and famous... and that`s what they deserve... but the sad part is that the ones behind this publicity campaign will be 10 times richier!